Agata Duci d'Amuri Uk


The perfect copy of the Saint Agatha bust was made in cold porcelain between 2018 and 2019 by the Cake Designer group of Ristoworld Italy which is a national culinary, pastry, restoration and tourism association coordinated by Agata Consoli. It is a non-profit association which can boast a civil protection Emergency group that is recognised by the Regional Civil Protection Department. This association took action during many natural catastrophes in the national territory.
The bust’s characteristics
This artwork is one of a kind: Saint Agatha’s bust was accurately replicated on real scale, including her jewels too. They used modelling and flower techniques along with painting, cold and hot decoration on a particular material that is cold porcelain. The best Sicilian cake designer belonging to Ristoworld Italy spent about five thousand hours of work for the whole 2019 and they both worked as a team and individually. Agata Consoli made the project named “Agata Duci D’Amuri” and she coordinated a team made of many artists from different parts of the sicilian island who worked on the project long-distance before putting together the whole artwork. The assembling took place in “Beauty Garden Banqueting” in Biancavilla thanks to the Leocata Family represented by Claudio Leocata.
The main characters’ names
The main characters are: Caterina Tarantino, Silvia Costanzo, Erika Maniscalco, Carmen Bonanno (Palermo); Flavia Stroscio (Zafferana Etnea); Stefania Buffardeci (Misterbianco); Paola Origlio (Biancavilla); Letizia Disca (Niscemi); Rosy Carrubba (Caltagirone); Antonella Meli (San Pietro Clarenza); Marzia Caruso, Giusy Capone, Anastasia Scalia (Catania); Silvana Consoli e Adriana Scarlata (Adrano). The display cabinet was donated by Francesco Platania. The videophotographic backstage ( was made by Salvo and Biagio Diolosà and Salvo Alberio. Annalisa Tomasello was the layer who was involved in the legal assistance. The project was followed by Ristoworld’s spiritual father Mons. Don Benedetto Currao, honorary canon of the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter and collaborator of the Holy Father Francesco.
Agata Consoli’s evidence
«It is a complex and extraordinary work that has seen us working together and on long distance in a beautiful atmosphere made of joy and desire to share our traditions and our devotion for Saint Agathe. I want to thank all my colleagues with whom I shared this project, all the benefactors and every single person that has contributed in the making of this impressive work. This work is an act of love for our Saint that is an example to be followed. Our attempt was very difficult and hard: it was hard to make the work, to reproduce the jewels and all the little details of the bust that we had only seen in pictures before replicating them on the cold porcelain. Ristoworld Italy family nevertheless was able to convert this project into a work of art working as a team without any envy or arrogance».  
The gratitude of the Governing Council
«The project was complex and very well-structured – says Marsh Proietto di Silvestro, president of Ristoworld Italy – and this is the reason way I want to thank Agata Consoli who carried out a difficult project: she had to deal with an extraordinary group of professional artists coming from different counties in Sicily. I want to say thanks to every single one of them for their work, sure that they made history thanks to this act of love and devotion for Saint Agathe». 
The whole governing council of Ristoworld Italy, composed by Andrea Finocchiaro, (founder and past president), Natale Spolverino (vicepresident), Claudio Roberto Leocata (general secretary), Alessandro Russo, Leonardo Massaro e Giuseppe Milazzo (national councillors), has expressed its gratitude for every single person involved in the making of this unique work and now destined to be part of the Guinness of Record for the peculiar characteristics of the work.
The restoration
The work has been exposed in the Church of Saint Agathe “La Vetere” with a significant number of visitors before undergoing a conservative restoration because of the conditions of humidity that involved the artwork and the vividness of the tints. Agata Consoli is now conducting the restoration which will give to the bust its original splendour, taking action on the stillness of some decorative elements that had been altered because of the transport and the vibrations. The restoration was very hard and complex and it lasted 6 months. At the end of these months the bust was placed in its display cabinet and it is ready to be exposed in this prestigious place.

a cura di 
Arianna Milazzo 
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